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FULL LA CAJA DE LUZ (Manuel Millán) Cuenca 2024 Carla Ortega, Alicia Sánchez, Begona Gomez, Carlos Lozano

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: CUENCACIUDADMUSICA  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

The argument of La Caja de Luz is a tremendous literary hymn to freedom of thought and universal brotherhood. A resounding criticism of those who take advantage of their power to profit from deception and oppress Human Beings.

Nepomuceno embodies this negative archetype: from doing good and receiving thanks for it, he evolves towards a moral corruption that will lead him to the peak of his arrogant egoism, but also to his downfall.

Three women prisoners from Nepomuceno symbolically represent the people of the three great monotheistic religions. Deceived by the deceptions of their captor, they believe they live in a reality that turns out to be nothing more than a shadow projected by the sibylline will of Nepomuceno, in a cruel pantomime of Plato’s Myth of the Cave.

Yael, inspired by the heroine of the same name who appears in the Book of Judges, wakes up confused from her dark dream and decides to jump into the abyss of the unknown in a philosophical and dramatic “Sapere Aude”. She is accompanied on this liberating journey by Gloria, inspired by Galdós’ Gloria; and Fátima, who will free her face by evoking the poetics of the verses of “The Necklace of the Dove.”

As a hesitant link between good and evil, the Acolyte is torn between the calls for attention of his conscience and the promises of his mentor to make her his successor. He would therefore embody those who, content with “Bread and Circuses”, a concept created by the Latin poet Juvenal, look the other way to preserve his own comfort.

The Light, symbol of the purest Divinity, of spiritual and transcendental knowledge, cannot be used or monopolized, much less be locked in a box so that others speak in its name.

The viewer eager to discover the more or less hidden symbology in this booklet will undoubtedly enjoy recognizing quotes from the Old Testament (Lamentations, Book of Judges, Job…) from the Book of Revelation, and allusions to Theater and Classical Mythology (Pyramus and Thisbe, Amphitryon, Achilles, the Nereids, etc.).

The Final Song, a moving call for freedom and the union of all peoples, follows the strophic structure of the Biblical Psalms of the Old Testament.

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