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Opera on Video gives the opera lover and opera fan a searchable database of all full operas recorded on video as well as concerts, documentaries, interviews and movies related to opera, composers and singers. Opera on Video provides LINKS to videos published elsewhere in the Internet – if available.
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Comment (28)

  1. What a wonderful discovery I made when I found this website. Thank you for opening my eyes to operas.

  2. I agree with Jorgen. I just found your website and I am sure I will be passing hours and hours…. Thanks for the work and the initiative

  3. I still don’t understand the limits of “Fair Use.” For example, a movie like “Io, Don Giovanni” has a copyright under its director, Carlos Saura, and its production company. It’s stated clearly on the DVD that no one can distribute its content, not even in a website like this one since the only way for an audience to see it is by paying for it to be rented or bought via Netflix, Amazon, etc. As a filmmaker, I find it dubious that Amazon might give permission. This is why complete films are taken down from Youtube. It’s infringement of copyright.

    1. You are absolutely right about complete movies. Opera on Video does not publish any complete movies. It only links to videos published by someone else elsewhere. The “Fair Use” is only claimed for the few excerpts it publishes on its website itself.
      As you say the copyright owner can and will remove videos on other websites such as YouTube.
      When this occurs the link on Opera on Video will disappear too.

  4. Hi, let me make a suggestion:
    Would be great you can realise a search about “subtiteled” and “language”.
    Also a search – filter to video-resolution could be helpful

  5. Hello, I would like to know how the copyrights of performing artists in individual opera productions are handled. I was approached by two singers who perform in a production published on this site and were not informed about this fact. Please provide information about the site operator I can contact in this matter. Well thank you.

    1. OperaonVideo is a catalogue and database of recorded opera performance.
      It documents these performances and links to videos published by others somewhere on the Internet.
      We do not publish videos ourselves.
      If there is a question about copyright of a video, then the publisher of this video should be contacted.
      If you let me know specifically which performances you are referring to, I will be glad to assist you to point you in the right direction.

  6. i sent you two comments about LA VIE PARISIENNE (excellent) and Lausanne’s IM WEISSEN ROESSL (horrible) – why? E’ assolutamente giusto combattere queste rappresentazioni che offendono i lavori come creati dai loro autori – questo CAVALLINO BIANCO di Lausanne ne è un esempio volgarissimo. Mi dite qualcosa?

  7. May i contact the persons who created this site? I wonder why my opinions about L’AUBERGE DU CHEVAL BLANC à Lausanne et Tourcoing appeared, disappeared and then appeared again, but now it seems gone forever. I expressed a very negative remark on the mise-en-scène de Lausanne, but a very positive for Tourcoing. I have been rather maladroit expressing my thought, but nowadays the theatres go on proposing so strange things that the original works ‘disappear’ – as my opinions! I fight against them, so let me have my opinionz again on the site – a site I do appreciate so much! Thanks.

  8. I WAS SAD believing you did not approve my comments. Approve – well, you may even thinking somehting totally different from my point of view, but it is good to see in your splendid OperaOnVideo site our various ideas. So, Thanks from the depths of my heart and a HAPPY NEW YEAR full of your marvellous offers!!!
    Grazie mille, Ernesto

  9. Great site which saves me a lot of effort. You may want to consider establishing a subscription to view operas without the annoying adds rather than begging for donations (like YouTube did).

  10. Hi, may I know if I can use one of the recorded opera concert videos for a 30secs TV advertisement. Please advise copyright. Thanks.

    1. You have to contact the copyright holder of the video you want to use.
      Opera on Video only links to videos and has no rights for the videos

  11. Hello
    I am looking for concert with Claire soprano that perfomed with Ensemble La fenice
    with program called entre ciel et Terre
    also I am looking for Peer Gynt Salle Pleyel
    with Paavo Jarvi conductor
    Arnaud Denis, récitant

  12. Cher ami,
    Je viens à vous ce jour, sous ma casquette de Responsable Éditorial de notre site-projet wagnérien “Le Musée VirtuelRichard Wagner”, car, bien que j’admire toujours un peu plus le travail dantesque que vous réalisez infatigablement pour développer et enrichir votre magnifique plateforme,
    nous n’avons, je crois jamais eu l’occasion d’échanger …
    … alors que nos projets disctincts – mus par une même passion “contagieuse” – ont, et ce n’est pas un maint sujet, ceci de commun : l’amour de l’opéra et la mise à disposition de cet Art pour le plus grand nombre. Même si “tardives”, félcitations donc à vous !
    Mon message est, je doisl’avouer qqpeu intéressé : chaque anée j’écris, je réalise, contruit quelques uns de nos “Portraits wagnériensé” destinés à notre série pour le web : “Une Voix pour Richard Wagner”:
    Cette année, bien que m’étant mis à la tâche un peu tard – croulant sous X dossiers – j’ai décidé de mettre en ligne le “Portrait” de la soprano Elisabeth Teige (pour coincider avec sa prise de rôle dans l’Imparétrice de FROSH au Capitole de Toulouse la semaine prochaine). Idée en soi louable mais catastrophe ; aucune captation – même de courts extraits – de ses débuts wagnériens jusuqu’à nos jours ne sont trouvables en ligne….
    En tant que Grand Spécialiste de tout ce que l’on peut dénichersur le net en matière d’opéra : auriez vous à tout hasard qq part repéré la présence des “témoignages” d’interprétations auxquels je serais étranger ?
    Une bouteille àlamer ; si jamais vous connaissez une “chacje” où je pourrais même ne reprendre que 4 mesures de “Dich teure Halle” : vous me sauveriez !
    Je vous souhaite une excellente fin de week-end,
    Vous adresse tous mes voeux de réussite et de parachèvement de votre projet,
    Dans cette attente,
    Nicolas CRAPANNE
    pour Le Musée Virtuel Richard Wagner,

    PS : ce mail vous a été envoyé par doublon sur Messager (par précaution….)

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