Bernard B. Germany 10 Swiss Francs, Robert P. USA 50, Renate B Germany 25, Friederike R. Germany 25, Michelle B. UK 25, John G. Netherlands 25, Ulrike G. USA 100, Christian V. Italy 25, Sergio G S. Brazil 25, Fernando M. Portugal 25, Martha F. USA 60, William S. Canada 100, Alina T. Romania 50, Sophi B. Switzerland 200 THANK YOU !
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BACHTRACK – A great classical music website
If you are interested in classical music in general, then BACHTRACK is one of the best websites to visit. It provides you with a huge performance data base to search and many reviews. In addition to reviews, Bachtrack publishes general articles including previews of festivals and concert/opera seasons, as well as interviews with performers and industry figures. […]
TRAGEDY OF A QUEEN A Vocal Operatic Feast Lisette Oropesa triumphs as Maria Stuarda in Madrid 2024 A Review
The tragedy of a queen, a vocal operatic feast: Lisette Oropesa triumphs as Maria Stuarda in Madrid. A guest blog by Angel Parsifal https://emocionesliricas.blogspot.com/ Madrid, December 29, 2024. Once again, Christmas has arrived to the Spanish capital, and with its famous traditional street illumination, the crowds shopping for their families, and the frenzy taking hold […]
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Latest Comments
Flamand on PSYCHE (Thomas) Budapest 2025 Hélène Guilmette, Antoinette Dennefeld, Tassis ChristoyannisSORRY! Now corrected....
Dr. Eysselein on PSYCHE (Thomas) Budapest 2025 Hélène Guilmette, Antoinette Dennefeld, Tassis ChristoyannisWas soll das ??? Das Werk ist von A. Thomas und nicht von Lully!
Bill Hand on APRILE MILLO Recital Todi 1989I would love to know the names of the arias.
Friederike Rentzsch on Alcina Stuttgart 2000 Naglstad CooteI love this production so much. Unfortunately, I missed Coote / Nagelstadt but I saw the production in Stuttgart.
Flamand on Bach: Sacred Cantatas Volume 7 Paris 2018 Raphael Pichon, Ensemble PygmalionActually, it is correct labelled. It is the YouTube video which is labeled wrongly. See medici and others for the...
JR on Bach: Sacred Cantatas Volume 7 Paris 2018 Raphael Pichon, Ensemble Pygmalionmislabeled...it's Vol 6
Lee Farrar Bailey on L’Incoronazione di Poppea Glyndebourne 1984 Ewing Bailey Duesing LeppardDennis Bailey was the tenor lead …Nerone
Cara J on Amadeus Full Movie 1984I watched this many times as a child with my best friend. Looking back on it, not something a young...
gaepis@yajoo.it on LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR Ankara 1993 Işık Kurt, Deva Çolakoğlu, Ihsan EkberI really do not know, but he is not AV.
angelica on Dmitri Hvorostovsky in Vienna 1994-2016 Playlistsame question for The Royal Opera House and other stages. We only found 2 Bluray to be bought, one from...
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