FULL A LUCKY DAY (Park Ji-woon) Busan 2020 Byung Ho-Jeon, Shim Hae-Kim, Jung Min-Park

Information on the Performance
- Work Title: A Lucky Day  
- Composer: Park Ji-woon  
- Libretto: Park Ji-woon    Libretto Text, Libretto Index
- Venue & Opera Company: Busa Cultural Center Grand Theater, Busan South, Korea  
- Recorded: 2020
- Type: Staged Opera Live
- Singers: Byung Ho-Jeon, Shim Hae-Kim, Jung Min-Park, Mi Jin-Go, Jong Dae-Yang, Chang Won-Lee
- Conductor: Jee Woon-Park  
- Orchestra: Dream Culture Orchestra  
- Chorus: Dream Culture Chorus  
Information about the Recording
- Published by: parkaki2  
- Date Published: October 11, 2022  
- Format: Streaming
- Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
- Subtitles: yessubs, ensubs, othersubs  
- Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO
‘Lucky Day’ is an opera featuring Korean material and Korean geographical names in Korean.
However This opera is created by mixing Italian operatic elements of the mid-to-late 1800s with musical elements of the late 1900s.
This work is so famous that it has already been selected in six competitions in Korea since winning the Seoul National Opera’s creative competition 10 years ago.
The story is based on one of the representative works of modern Korean novels, ‘Lucky Day’.
However, breaking away from the fragmentary nature of the original, composer JeeWoon- Park wrote the script in a parody form by adding a personal story about his growing up.
*In Act 1, the atmosphere of the era when democratization was budding in the early 1980s is permeated with the backdrop of Daegu Sincheon-Rriver, and in Act 2, the gloomy smell of a national crisis called ‘IMF’ is the spatial background of Dongdaemun Market in Seoul. And it is completely permeated in the village.
But, of course, It didn’t mean to promote that area just because it was set in Daegu or Seoul.
It is the same as La Boheme or Tosca is not a work created to raise the status of Paris or Rome.
And ‘Lucky Day’ is recorded as the first work in the history of Korean opera in which one person took charge of the script, composition, and conducting.