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FULL Singer of the Carpathians (Kos-Anatolskyi) Lviv 2023 Iryna Klyuchkovska

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: ArtStream team of the Lviv National Philharmonic:  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO
An evening dedicated to the figure of the incredible singer of the beauty of the Carpathians, the brilliant author of the pearls of Ukrainian music, Anatoly Kos-Anatolskyi!
On December 1, 1909, the outstanding musician Anatol Kos was born in Lviv. On the eve of the celebration of the next anniversary of his birth, the Lviv National Philharmonic invites you to a concert of the pearls of his work, which deserve special attention for their lyricism, variety of Ukrainian melodies and exquisite artistry!
The program features works for soloists with a symphony orchestra, and listeners will have the opportunity to learn about the invaluable heritage of Kos-Anatolia thanks to the diversity of the selected compositions and their selected sound.

Anatoly Kos-Anatolskyi.
Orchestral suite from the ballet “Khustka Dovbusha”
“Poem” for violin and orchestra
Gali’s aria “O Mother of God, in my heart I cannot find prayer words…” from the opera “Zagrava”
“Nightingale on Viburnum” , a humorous song for soprano and symphony orchestra
“Oh, I will go to the edge of the mountain” for coloratura soprano, flute and symphony orchestra
Piano concerto with orchestra in A minor


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