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FULL Righteous soul (Frolyak) Warsaw 2022

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

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Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Fundacja Pro Musica Viva  
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

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Bohdana Oleksiivna Frolyak (born 1968 in Vydyniv) is a famous Ukrainian composer, teacher, and social activist.

She had her first music teacher in her home village, it was a famous teacher, a student of Janusz Korczak, the author of his own methods of music education Vasyl Kuflyuk.  Then B. Frolyak studied at the S. Krushelnytska Lviv Secondary Specialized Music Boarding School, continued her studies at the Faculty of Composition at the M.V. Lysenko Lviv State Conservatory (now Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy) in the class of Volodymyr Flysa and Myroslav Skoryk since 1991 she had been teaching composition at her alma mater. Skoryk was her supervisor during her post-graduate studies in 1995-1998, and in 2009 she did an internship with Zbigniew Bujarski at the Departments of Composition as well as Contemporary Music and Jazz at the Krakow Academy of Music. Her compositions have been performed at many prestigious festivals in Ukraine and abroad.

B. Frolyak’s individuality and original style were outlined in her first independent works. The stylistic palette of creativity, the choice of genres and forms in her works are very diverse. Her work mainly consists of compositions for various chamber ensembles and orchestral scores. Often they have only a plain genre name: Symphony, Piano Concerto, Clarinet Concerto, Meditation Partita for two violins, Suite in C for cello and piano, Inventions for eight cellos. In some cases, the artist gives works literary and poetic programs that express the state of poetic contemplation, which prevails in her worldview: psalm “Why should I, like a timorous bird, to distant mountains fly?” for chamber soloists-instrumentalists, “Clarification” for cello and strings, “Forests that float in the clouds” (“U vozdukhakh plavayut’ lisy…”)  on versus by Vasyl Stefanyk and Nazar Honchar for chamber orchestra, instrumentalists and choir, symphony and requiem “Oh, Righteous soul…”, chorale cantata (or as the author calls the genre – singing action) “The Blossom”. Sometimes she uses genre and program symbols in foreign languages, addressing to Latin, German, Polish, thus emphasizing the universal and many-sided nature of the content of her music: Symphony No. 1 “Orbis Terrarum”, “Daemmerung” for clarinet and strings “Jak modlitwa” on versus by Adam Zagajewski for soprano and symphony orchestra, “Stück” for piano, “Lamento” for piano trio, etc.

The unifying feature of most of the composer’s works was the focus on lyrical monologues. Depending on the author’s intention, the lyrics get different colors, ranging from a calm, peaceful tone along with dreamy and elegiac mood to gloomy and tragic intonations. Reflexivity,  meditative quality, and the ability to immerse oneself in the vibrating matter of space-time play a very important role in her spiritual outlook.

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