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FULL Onegin Opera Awards Ceremony & Gala Concert St.Petersburg 2024 Maestri Gerzmava

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  • Published by: Culture TV  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: vk     FULL VIDEO

On November 30, the historic stage of the Mariinsky Theatre hosted the ninth ceremony of the National Opera Prize “Onegin” – the main Russian award in the field of opera. It is awarded annually for outstanding achievements in opera. The expert council of the prize, and then the high jury, consider applications from the country’s opera houses – premiere performances of the last opera season and individual vocal parts. Even inclusion in the shortlist of the “Onegin” prize is recognition of the highest level of skill, and the laureates are the best of the best.

In 2024, 122 applications were received for the IX National Opera Prize “Onegin”, the expert council of the prize reviewed 31 opera performances. 14 theaters from 11 regions and 18 soloists were included in the shortlist.

“We approached each nomination very carefully, ” said the chairperson of the jury, People’s Artist of Russia Khibla Gerzmava . ” When summing up the results, we even looked at those performances that for some reason were not declared, but, in our opinion, were of interest to the entire musical community. An important task of the award is to find talents that we really want to support, and to open up new facets of opera art for viewers, and new perspectives for nominees and laureates.”

At the gala ceremony of the IX National Opera Prize “Onegin” Khibla Gerzmava, Maria Lupareva, Alexey Tatarintsev, Yulia Matochkina performed arias and duets from Russian and European operas. Some of the works on the program were real musical rarities that delighted the professionals and connoisseurs of opera art gathered in the hall. The hosts of the evening were traditionally Sati Spivakova and Yulian Makarov.

The guest of honor of the ceremony was Ambrogio Maestri , the great Italian baritone and the most famous Falstaff in the world. He immediately captivated the audience with his performance of the aria of the doctor Dulcamara from the opera “The Elixir of Love” by Gaetano Donizetti. The ovation did not subside for several minutes. Ambrogio Maestri and another guest from Italy – pianist, conductor and famous vocal coach Carmen Santoro – received bronze “Onegins” in the non-competition nomination “From Russia with Love”.

“Italians and Russians have a lot in common ,” the charming Ambrogio Maestri told journalists, ” a love of beauty, music, and literature. I am very flattered to participate in this opera award, which is taking place on the stage of a magnificent historical theater. I am very happy to come to St. Petersburg and take part in the opera. I would also take part in the ballet, but for some reason they don’t offer it,” joked Ambrogio, known not only for his incredibly strong voice, but also for his monumental figure.

The ceremony was opened by the address of the Minister of Culture of Russia Olga Lyubimova : “Over the years of its history, the award has become an important event in the cultural life of our country. It demonstrates the high level of performers and the creative potential of theaters, as well as the continuity of traditions passed down from recognized directors and singers to aspiring artists. The wide geography of the participants emphasizes the significance of the award. Each theater presents its unique vision of classical and modern works.”

The winners of the Onegin Prize in 2024 are:
in the Debut. Men category – Pavel Antsiferov , Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre NOVAT, for the role of Rigoletto in the opera of the same name by Giuseppe Verdi;

in the nomination “Debut. Women” – Elizaveta Pakhomova , soloist of the Moscow Academic Musical Theatre named after K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, for her performance of the part of Marfa in the opera “The Tsar’s Bride” by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov;

in the nomination “Master of the Stage” – Dmitry Ulyanov , Moscow Academic Musical Theatre named after K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, for his performance of the part of Miller in the opera “Mermaid” by Alexander Dargomyzhsky;

in the nomination “Prima Donna” the statuette was awarded to the soloist of the Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after A.S. Pushkin Dilyara Idrisova for the part of Beauty in the opera by George Frideric Handel “The Triumph of Time and Disillusionment”, presented as part of the Diaghilev Festival;

in the “Guest” category, awarded for participation in a performance at another theatre – Irina Shishkova , soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre, for her performance of the role of Carmen in the opera of the same name by Georges Bizet on the stage of the Mikhailovsky Theatre, directed by Nacho Duato;

in the category “Supporting Role” – Ekaterina Sergeeva , soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre and the Tatar Academic State Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Musa Jalil, for the role of Vanya in Mikhail Glinka’s opera “A Life for the Tsar”, staged for the 150th anniversary of the famous Kazan theatre;

in the nomination “Composition” (for the selection and interaction of performers) , the jury recognized Handel’s opera “The Triumph of Time and Disillusionment” (Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after A.S. Pushkin and the Diaghilev Festival) as the best performance;

In the “Event” category, several “Onegins” were awarded:

“Event. Traditions”:

“The Master and Margarita” by Sergei Slonimsky, Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after D.D. Shostakovich; “Not Only Love” by Rodion Shchedrin, MAMT; “Ariadne auf Naxos” by Richard Strauss, Mariinsky Theatre (the Mariinsky Theatre’s production was not initially nominated for the award, but was added to the list of nominees by decision of the award’s founders, and the jury awarded it the prize as a landmark opera event);

“Event. Innovations”: “The Emperor of Atlantis”, Viktor Ulman , Moscow Musical Theatre “Helikon-Opera”;

“Event. Breakthrough”: “The Lady with the Dog”, Ekaterina Ivanova-Blinova , North Caucasian State Philharmonic named after V.I. Safonov;

“Event. Children”: “Thumbelina”, Efrem Podgaits , Ural Opera Ballet.

In addition, two special prizes in this category were awarded to projects:

The space opera “The Main Question” by Rustam Sagdiev of the Chuvash State Opera and Ballet Theatre “Volga Opera” for new technologies in staging opera performances – from the expert council;

The cultural and educational cycle of children’s operas “Pushkiniana” of the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre – from the jury of the award;

The special prize “Favorite” , which is awarded based on the results of online voting by viewers on the official website of the National Opera Prize “Onegin” (this year more than 20 thousand people took part in it), was received by the singer Davit Yesayan (the part of the Chevalier des Grieux in the opera “Manon” by Jules Massenet, Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater named after D.A. Hvorostovsky) and the performance “On the Night of the Lunar Eclipse” by Salavat Nizametdinov of the Bashkir State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater.

In non-competitive nominations, bronze Onegins were awarded as a sign of recognition and respect from the entire opera community of Russia.

In the Legend nomination, the Onegin National Opera Prize was awarded to People’s Artist of the USSR Leonid Smetannikov.

In the nomination “Accompanist/Coach” two honored accompanists were honored at once – Maria Lyasheva (State Opera and Ballet Theater of the Komi Republic) and Irina Orzhekhovskaya (MAMT).

In the nomination “Soul of Opera” the prize was awarded to Larisa Yakovleva , head of the artistic and decorative workshop of the Volgograd State Theatre “Tsaritsyn Opera”.

In the nomination “Theatre” the award went to the Tatar Academic State Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Musa Jalil , which not only celebrated its 150th anniversary this year, but is also one of the most successful opera houses in the country – tickets are always sold out.

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