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FULL Giulio Cesare Amsterdam 2023 Christophe Dumaux, Teresa Iervolino, Cecilia Molinari, Julie Fuchs

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Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: ARTE  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, frsubs, othersubs  
  • Video Recording from:     FULL VIDEO

The story – Quoted from
Giulio Cesare (Julius Caesar) and his army have chased his rival and former political ally Pompeo (Pompey) into Egypt, where Pompeo has sought support from Tolomeo (Ptolemy), the king of Egypt and brother of Cleopatra. When Cesare arrives, Pompeo’s wife Cornelia begs mercy for her husband. Cesare agrees on condition that he is recognised as Egypt’s leader, but Cornelia’s plea comes too late: Tolomeo has had Pompeo beheaded. Tolomeo’s counsellor Achilla brings Cesare the head of the dead man as a gift to welcome him. Cesare is appalled. Cesare’s lieutenant Curio falls in love with Cornelia and plots revenge together with Sesto, Cornelia’s son.

Cleopatra wants to become queen of Egypt in her own right, so she seeks to manipulate Cesare for her own ends. She embarks on a campaign to seduce him, approaching him in the guise of the lady-in-waiting Lidia. Cesare is captivated by her beauty and resolves to assist her.

When Cesare and Tolomeo meet up as politicians and leaders, the atmosphere is febrile. Tolomeo is highly impressed by Cornelia, whom he has actually promised to Achilla as his wife.

Once again, Lidia/Cleopatra utilises all her charms in her attempt to seduce Cesare. Meanwhile, both Achilla and his rival Tolomeo woo Cornelia assiduously, but she rejects both suitors. Sesto prevents his mother from killing herself. Nireno has a plan that will enable Sesto to kill Tolomeo. When Cesare finds himself alone with Lidia/ Cleopatra, he declares his love. Their idyllic tryst is disturbed by Curio, who warns of a conspiracy against Cesare. Cesare decides to confront his enemies. Cleopatra throws off her disguise and responds to Cesare’s declaration of love.

Sesto’s attempt to kill Tolomeo is thwarted by Achilla, who brings news that Cesare, seeing no way out, has jumped into the sea and drowned.

Cleopatra decides to fight on the side of the Romans to revenge Cesare’s death. After discovering that Tolomeo has deceived him, Achilla too joins the Romans to fight against Tolomeo.

Tolomeo’s troops defeat Cleopatra’s army. He captures his sister and plans to have her executed.

Achilla dies in the battle, but it turns out Cesare is still alive. He promises to rescue Cleopatra and Cornelia from the clutches of Tolomeo. Cesare frees Cleopatra. When Tolomeo renews his attempts to win Cornelia’s heart, Sesto finally manages to kill him.

Cesare crowns Cleopatra as queen of Egypt and she pledges her allegiance to Rome in gratitude.

Text: Bettina Auer and Jasmijn van Wijnen
Translation: Clare Wilkinson

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