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FULL Flatlandia (Biscarini) Rovigo 2022 Belucco Babelyte Yang Wei

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Teatro Sociale - Comune di Rovigo  
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, itsubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

“Pythagoras will guide you on this journey through a multi-dimensional reality. It all begins with a dream (almost a nightmare) of Pythagoras in the land of Linelandia. Yes, you have heard exactly; a world balanced on a single line, in which one can only walk forward or backward. There is neither the right nor the left. Either black or white. And after having met and angered the King of Linelandia, Pythagoras awakens in his world of Flatland where the lines can be joined together to form a great variety of mostly regular flat figures. Isosceles and equilateral triangles, Squares like him, Pentagons like the building plans of Flatland, Hexagons like his grandson Euclid, and again, increasing the number of sides until you get an almost perfect Circle. Finally being able to move in all directions and not just on a single line. But really in all directions? After exchanging some notion of geometry with his grandson, Pythagoras finds himself out of nowhere the presence of a Stranger who claims to be a Sphere. What will a Sphere ever be? Pythagoras cannot know. In his country there are only two dimensions: right, left, forward and back. The third dimension, that is, the top and the bottom, he completely ignores it. The Stranger will do everything he can to make him understand that there is a three-dimensional world in which solid figures live, but in vain. Pythagoras, despite the Stranger taking him by the hand and making him feel the thrill of rising upwards and admiring his much loved land of Flatland, did not dare to admit it. Among other things, he feared being arrested and convicted of blasphemy by going around saying that there is another world besides Flatland. However, excited by the transcendental experience just lived, he finds himself involved in a strange conversation with his insightful grandson. But, if there really is a third dimension, then there could be other worlds at four, five and, who knows, maybe even eleven. Taken by a shiver of terror, Pythagoras and Euclid, after imagining the reality of Spacetimelandia, which many years later a certain Albert Einstein will demonstrate its existence, found themselves in the presence of a strange character: even the King of Pointlandia. Incredulous and pitying in witnessing the miserable condition of spending the entire existence of this unfortunate human being in a single Point, they returned to their reality, in their normal two-dimensional world: Flatland. After some time, Pythagoras will try to share his ecstatic experience in a multi-dimensional reality with the inhabitants of Flatland. He will do his utmost to convince his traveling companions that a world in which the plurality of points of view, the richness of different languages ​​and cultures, the fullness of life in the moments in which a celestial light illuminates our tormented and vacillating inner world truly exists. . But without success. He will be marginalized and left alone. So why not join him? “Vincenzo Soravia

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