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FULL Dronningoffer (Johansen) Trondheim 2021 Hansen Sødal Moen Rueslåtten

Video Recording from: NRK     FULL VIDEO     Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: NRK  
  • Date Published: 2021  
  • Format: Broadcast
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, othersubs  
  • Video Recording from: NRK     FULL VIDEO

It will be queen against queen, popular music against classical, in a bloody showdown. And they are not kind to each other, so to speak. But which of them will be sacrificed? That is the big secret, smiles composer Bertil Palmar Johansen.
The captivating story in “Queen’s Sacrifice” and the way it is told, is in three parts. Firstly, the story of the world’s most famous chess pieces, the Lewis pieces, is told. From the beginning as walrus teeth from Greenland, via Trondheim where they were carved by craftsmen around the year 1100, how the ship they were transported in was wrecked outside the Hebrides, and how they were found by chance in the 19th century. Today, the Lewis pieces, which were once made in Trondheim, are at The British Museum as the world’s most famous chess pieces.
At the same time, “Queen Sacrifice” is an eternally relevant triangular drama about power, love and honor, between one king and two queens.

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