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FULL Die Schöpfung (Haydn) Amsterdam 2009 Zomer Beekman Morsch

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: DW Classical Music  
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, ensubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

One of the musical highlights of The Creation is the prelude, in which the idea of a primordial chaos is set to music. Haydn, whose compositions can actually be considered prime examples of “orderly” form, has ingeniously set a cosmic chaos to music in this introduction – and thus in turn put it into musical form. The most outstanding and famous passage in the entire oratorio, however, is that of the creation of light (07:57). At the words “und es ward Licht” (and there was light), a radiant C major bursts forth, like an elemental sound event, which has captivated every listener of The Creation to this day. If you listen to the abruptly sounding C major chord, it seems as if Haydn, while composing, had glimpsed the first spark of the big bang in the depths of space.

Part I
00:00 The Representation of Chaos
09:01 Now vanish before the holy beams
12:33 And God made the firmament
14:31 The marv’lous work beholds amaz’d
16:34 And God said: Let the waters
17:18 Rolling in foaming billows
20:56 And God said: Let the earth bring forth grass
21:27 With verdure clad the fields appear
26:25 And the heavenly host proclaimed the third day
26:37 Awake the harp
28:39 And God said: Let there be lights
29:16 In splendor bright
32:08 The heavens are telling the glory of God

Part II
36:01 And God said: Let the waters bring
36:34 On mighty pens
43:38 And God created great whales
45:40 And the angels struck
46:04 Most beautiful appear
50:13 The Lord is great
52:21 And God said: Let the earth bring forth
52:49 Strait opening her fertile womb
56:14 Now heav’n in fullest glory shone
59:26 And God created man
1:00:09 In native worth and honour
1:03:27 And God saw ev’ry thing
1:03:54 Achieved is the glorious work
1:05:19 On thee each living soul awaits
1:09:48 Achieved is the glorious work

Part III
1:12:28 In rosy mantle appears
1:16:19 By thee with bliss
1:25:26 Our duty we performed now
1:27:47 Graceful consort
1:35:54 O happy pair
1:36:17 Sing the Lord ye voices all

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