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FULL Budapest Operetta Theatre 100 Years Budapest 2023

Video Recording from: M5     FULL VIDEO     Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: M5  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Broadcast
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: M5     FULL VIDEO

It is a rare moment in the lives of the artists and the audience that they can celebrate the 100th anniversary of their theater! The Budapest Operetta Theater celebrated a double anniversary in the 2022/2023 season. Built in 1894 by the director of the Orpheum, Károly Somossy, the building, which was initially operated as an amusement park, was transformed into the Metropolitan Theater by Ben Blumenthal, a wealthy American entrepreneur, whose opening performance was held on December 23, 1922. From February 1923, the new theater was officially named the Capital Operetta Theatre. On February 10, 2023, the theater commemorated the important anniversaries with a large-scale gala concert, in which the entire troupe of the theater participated.

Angler, Attila Balogh Bodor, Luca Bojtos, Barbara Bordás, László Czikora István, László Csere, Lajos Csuha, Annamari Dancs, Viktor Dénes, Gábor Dézsy Szabó, Attila Dolhai, Evelin Drahos, Attila Erdős, András Faragó, Fischl Mónika, Tamás Földes, Tünde Frankó, Petra Gubik, Sándor György-Rózsa, Homonnay Zsolt, Csaba Jantyik, Kata Janza, Zsuzsa Kalocsai, Aisha Kardffy, Mara Kékkovács, Máté Miklós Kerényi, Zoltán Kiss, Dénes Kocsis, Péter Laki, Soma Langer, Enikő Lévai, Zsuzsa Lehoczky, Anita Lukács, Zsolt Árpád Mészáros, Attila Miklós, Ninh Duc Hoang Long, Veronika Nádasi, Attila Németh, Marika Oszvald, Pálfalvy Attila, Athina Papadimitriu, Anna Peller, Károly Peller, Ádám Pesák, Richárd Péter, Hristosz Petridisz, Lilla Polyák, Péter Sándor, Ágota Siménfalvy, Dalma Süle, Szilvi Szendy, László Szerényi, Enikő Szilágyi, Tibor Szolnok, Katalin Udvarias, Zsuzsa Ullmann, Zsolt Vadász, Bernadett Vágó, Zsuzsi Vágó, Mónika Vásári, József Virágh, Annamária Zábrádi, Andrea Zsadon

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