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FULL Turandot Barcelona 2009 Shafajinskaia Armiliato Dessi

Popular Singers in this Opera Recording

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Format: Broadcast
  • Quality Video: 3 Audio:3
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO
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Comment (1)

  1. For me, this is the most satisfying and enjoyable Turandot I have ever seen. Shafajinskaia gives a thrilling, immaculately detailed portrayal of the lead role culminating in a conclusion that is psychologically more believable than the usual ending. The physical production is stunning giving a visual perspective that makes virtually every moment of this perhaps over-the-top work truly memorable. Prior to recently discovering this production I had thought Mehta’s from Valencia in 2008 with Guleghina in the title role to be the epitome of elaborate and costly presentations of the work (unlike the Met’s current version which is ghastly visually with vocal performances that, in the main, are quite forgettable (except, perhaps, for Alagna)). It is a tragedy that this performance under review is currently unavailable of disc. The upload to YouTube, while being most welcome, is of limited technical quality but, at least, does allow us to see and hear the work. Highly recommended.

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