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FULL The Cloak and Dagger Affair (Lambert) London 2018 de Bray Greenan Howden

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Edward Lambert  
  • Date Published: 2020  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

In his play, Amor de Don Perlimplín Con Belisa en su jardin, Lorca starts to explore the nature of reality and sexual desire. He used eighteenth century music to reflect the showmanship and emotional detachment of commedia dell’arte and Edward Lambert has set it as a bel canto opera, with its characteristic singing style and lack of realism.

During the opera, the cast sometimes describe and comment on their actions.

* Don Perlimplín has married a sensual young girl, Belisa. Perlimplín’s bodyguard, Marcolfo, reveals that Belisa entertained five lovers on their wedding night. Perlimplín ignores this; he’s seen Belisa undressing and he’s happy. (Spanish song 1)

* He is, however, concerned that Belisa has fallen for a stranger in a red cloak who she’s seen nearby. He sings of the wounds of love. (Spanish song 2)

* Marcolfo arranges for Belisa to meet the mysterious young man at ten o’clock that evening.

* Belisa describes her love for the man she’s never met (Spanish song 3) and becomes aroused when she gets an erotic message from him – while Perlimplin is himself turned on by her increasing arousal: a dysfunctional love duet.

* Perlimplín looks out for the youth while the besotted Belisa sings an erotic serenade (Spanish song 4) and gets very excited.

* When the clock strikes ten, Perlimplín, in a jealous rage, draws a dagger and vows that Belisa will only ever enjoy her admirer’s corpse.

* The mystery man gets shot by Marcolfo; but he’s revealed to be Perlimplín himself, who dies as Belisa lovingly embraces him. She’s apparently destined to seek the unknown man for the rest of her life.

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