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FULL Scenes from the Life of Nikolenka Irtenev (Banevich) Vladivostok 2021 Roman Krukovich, Alena Denisenko, Dmitry Nelasov, Anastasiya Kikot, Maria Suzdaltseva

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Date Published: 2022  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Introduction. “A happy time that can never return. How can I not love and cherish memories of her?” The Mother comes to wake Nikolenka.
Playing. Boys are teasing and mocking Ilenka Grap. “I cannot explain the cruelty of what I did. Why did I not go near, why did I not protect and comfort Ilenka?”
The story of Karl Ivanovich. Nikolenka’s governor and teacher relates the sad story of his life.
The Ball. At a ball in Moscow Nikolenka is dancing with Sonechka. At night he is unable to fall asleep and tells his brother Volodya how much he is in love.
The Mother’s first letter. A letter comes from the village in which the Mother speaks of her illness and promises to be out of her bed the next day.
The Mother’s second letter. “Don’t believe what I wrote about myself. I know that I will not rise from my bed again.”
Epilogue. At home in the village; preparations are underway for a journey. In a darkened room Nikolenka sees a woman in white – the ghost of the Mother. The lights come on and we hear a whirlwind-like mazurka. “A happy time that can never return. Will that power of love and faith ever come back? Or is it just memories that remain?”

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