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FULL La Favorite Tokyo 1971 Kraus Cossotto

Popular Singers in this Opera Recording

Video Recording from: AMAZON     #ad   Amazon product    Get this Recording     Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: VAI  
  • Date Published: 2007  
  • Format: DVD
  • Quality Video: 2 Audio:3
  • Video Recording from: AMAZON     #ad   Amazon product Get this Recording
(Visited 654 times, 1 visits today)

Comment (2)

  1. A great historical performance.All the artists were heigh., Very inspired the direction of legendary Oliviero de Fabritis.
    Thank you for this marvelous recording.

  2. Ruggero Raimondi oggi compie 80 anni, qui ne aveva 30… il più giovane interpreta il personaggio più anziano, succede spesso con le voci gravi. Comunque la freschezza unita al timbro profondo ha un fascino quantomai suggestivo

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