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FULL Don Quichotte Ufa 2023 Askar Abdrazakov, Regina Zvegintseva, Vladimir Kopytov

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: bashopera  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Act one

Scene one. Square in Madrid.

On the square of Madrid – a holiday. The crowd admiringly greets the beautiful Dulcinea, a wealthy courtesan. Among the people and the nobility present are four admirers of the beauty – Pedro, Garcia, Rodriguez and Juan.

Laughter and joyful exclamations are heard – this crowd welcomes Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Don Quixote tells his squire to distribute the money to the crowd. The people disperse. Sancho goes to the tavern. The night is coming.

The knight in love serenades Dulcinea. Jealous Juan interrupts him and challenges him to a duel. The appearance of Dulcinea stops the duel that has begun. Don Quixote announces to the beauty that from now on he will serve her. She, chuckling, asks him to return the necklace stolen from her by robbers as proof of devotion. Don Quixote sets off immediately.

Scene two. Mills.

Dawn finds Don Quixote and Sancho on their way. Windmills are barely visible in the dawn mist. Don Quixote chooses rhymes for a song in honor of Dulcinea.

Sancho is dissatisfied with this extravagant campaign; he is sure that the beauty laughed at them. Outraged by the naivety of his master, Sancho bursts into an angry tirade against all women on earth. The fog clears, and Don Quixote mistakes the windmills for giants who are trying to stop him. To Sancho’s dismay, he confronts them.

Act two

Scene three. In the Sierra.

Don Quixote pursues robbers. When he stops to rest—standing, armored and armed, as a knight should be—the bandits appear. Don Quixote sends Sancho away and fights them, but is defeated and tied up. The robbers laugh and are ready to deal with the knight. However, Don Quixote’s “death” prayer and the eloquent story about the mission of the errant knight are so touching that the stone hearts of hardened criminals soften, and their leader not only frees Don Quixote, but also returns Dulcinea’s necklace. Don Quixote blesses the robbers and goes home with a victory.

Act Three

Scene four. Palace of Dulcinea.

In the palace of Dulcinea – a party. Admirers are tired of the beauty. She thinks about how short-lived love is. But immediately her mood changes, and Dulcinea sings a song praising the joys of the brief hours of real passion. As the guests go to feast in the dining room, Sancho Panza appears and announces the arrival of Don Quixote. Don Quixote, sensing that his wanderings are coming to an end, promises Sancho an island or a castle as a reward for his faithful service.

In the presence of returning guests, he hands Dulcine a necklace and asks to become his wife. Dulcinea is pleased with the necklace, but refuses the marriage proposal. Having sent away the guests, she consoles the despairing Don Quixote by feeling affection and tenderness for him, but is unworthy of his love. The guests return and laugh at the poor knight. But then Sancho stands up for his owner, smitten with the refusal of Dulcinea, and takes him away.

Scene five. Death of Don Quixote.

Sancho leads the weakening Don Quixote. The old knight remembers his promise to reward Sancho with an island and apologizes for not being able to keep it. Feeling the approach of death, Don Quixote asks Sancho to say a prayer. At this time, the knight turns his thoughts to Dulcinea and, hearing her voice in his imagination, says goodbye to her.

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