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CATONE IN UTICA (Vivaldi) Ferrara 2023 Valentino Buzza, Arianna Vendittelli, Miriam Albano

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Information about the Recording
  • Published by: OperaVision  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, ensubs, itsubs  
  • This Recording is NOT AVAILABLE from a proper commercial or public source

Act I. The North African city of Utica is threatened by the troops of Cesare (Julius Caesar), who, after defeating Pompey, is on the verge of turning the Roman republic into a dictatorship. Only the Roman senator Catone (Cato von Utica), who has concluded an alliance with the Numidian prince Arbace (Juba II), stands in his way. Arbace loves Catone’s daughter Marzia and wants to marry her. Catone also approves of this connection. However, Marzia has a secret relationship with his opponent Cesare. She stalls Arbace and persuades him to postpone the marriage. When Cesare comes to town for peace negotiations, Pompey’s widow Emilia (Cornelia Metella) makes it clear that she hates him. The Roman envoy Fulvio, a confidant of Cesare, falls in love with her and she tries to get him to assassinate Cesare. However, Fulvio puts honor before his love and tells Cesare everything. Marzia wants to break away from him because of Cesare’s political machinations, but gives in when he tells her about his desire for peace.

Act Two. Fulvio tells Catone that Cesare wants to negotiate a peace. He also hands him a letter from the Senate calling for reconciliation. Catone refuses at first, but is then ready to receive his opponent. While Marzia is happy about it, Emilia still longs for revenge, for which she still wants to harness Fulvio. Catone is unyielding in the negotiations. He demands that Cesare give up his ambitions and speak to the people. He categorically rejects Cesare’s offer to secure peace by marrying Marzia. Despite Marzia’s pleas, war can no longer be avoided. Catone tells her and Emilia to go to the ships to be on the safe side. She is said to use a hidden path near the Isis Source. Marzia rejects Arbace’s renewed marriage wish and reveals her relationship with Cesare to everyone. Her father then expels her outraged.

Act Three. In order to carry out her revenge, Emilia prepares a trap for Cesare at the Isis spring. Marzia asks him to spare her father if he wins. While Fulvio storms the city walls, Cesare goes to the spring and is attacked by Emilia’s men. Catone stops the fight because he hates such an ambush. He now challenges Cesare himself. Then Emilia reports that Fulvio’s troops are entering the city. Catone and Cesare rush to their people. After Cesare’s victory, Catone, despairing of Rome’s lost freedom, decides to commit suicide. Marzia and Arbace prevent this, but Catone remains unwilling to forgive his daughter. Cesare urges his people to treat the vanquished mildly. He wishes Catone’s friendship and would like to forgo his laurel wreath. All but the still vengeful Emilia celebrate the new peace

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