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FULL BETWEEN SOUND AND BRUSH Tomsk 2023 Ekaterina Clemens, Elena Serov, Evgeny Steinmiller

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Tomsk State Philharmony  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 3 Audio:3
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Women’s beauty is not divided into classes. She only inspires to create masterpieces. Musicologist Vera Timofeeva and soloists of the Tomsk Philharmonic – Ekaterina Klemens, Elena Serova, Evgeniy Steinmiller – have built their own gallery of female portraits, including fictional characters and real women. The concert program is dedicated to the image of a woman in foreign and domestic musical art.

“Dedication” by Liszt
Strauss. Adele’s couplets from the operetta “Die Fledermaus”
Varlamov. “What should I live and grieve”
Budey – Glazkov. “Bouquet of Flowers from Nice”
Varlamov – Tsyganova. Romance “What is this heart beating so strongly”
Babajanyan – Voznesensky. Song “Give me back the music”
Milhaud “4 female portraits”
Russian folk song “Oh you, Darling”
Glinka – Puppeteer. “Bolero”
Bogoslovsky – Dorizo. Song Roshchina
Podelsky – Yesenin. “Queen”
Leoncavallo. “Dawn”
Lowe. Eliza’s song from the musical “My Fair Lady”
Dunayevsky. Pepita’s song from the operetta “Free Wind”
Schumann from the piano cycle “Carnival”
Kalman. Violetta’s song from the operetta “The Violet of Montmartre”

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