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FULL PARIA (Moniuszko) Warsaw 2023 Marta Torbidoni, David Astorga, Germán Olvera

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Chopin Institute  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Paria – the last completed work by Stanisław Moniuszko , having its premiere on December 11 , 1869 at the Grand Theater in Warsaw , three years before the composer’s death. The libretto by Jan Chęciński was based on Casimir Delavigne’s tragedy of the same title.

Prologue It is happening in India , in Benares . At night, in a grove dedicated to the gods, the victorious chief Idamor confides in his confidant Ratef about his love for Neala – the daughter of the high priest, head of the Brahmin caste – Akebar. Confessions are interrupted by an unforeseen episode: Idamor’s soldiers chase a beggar pariah who has invaded the grove, desecrating this sacred place. Idamor saves him from death, realizing that he himself came out of the pariah caste .

Act I

Neala is with the priestesses in the grove. After dilemmas arising from the conflicts between her priestly duties and earthly love, she announces to her beloved man about her father’s decision to release her from her vows and marry her. However, the lovers do not know whom Akebar chose as his daughter’s husband. The Brahmins gather in the temple, among whom Akebar accuses the warriors who threaten their power. He also assures that he will guard the dominance of the priest caste. The gathered call to the gods for protection, and the present Neala fears for the fate of Idamor, who appears in the temple at the call of the High Priest. Akebar announces to the young chieftain who defended the country from the enemy that by the choice of the gods he is destined to be Neala’s husband.

Act II

Idamor reveals to his beloved the secret of his origin. He’s a pariah. Love prevails over her fear and contempt. Neala, after meeting her beloved, comes to the priestesses surprised by the concern of the future bride. Neala grieves in solitude over the fate of Idamor, in the name of love she wants to share his fate and secret. Ratef informs Neala of the arrival of a half-mad old man who is looking for Idamor. Neala recommends bringing the old man and summoning Idamor. The mysterious old man turns out to be a pariah, Dżares, just rescued by Idamor, who recognizes his son in his savior and urges him to return to his homeland.


The wedding ceremony begins on the holy river Ganges. Akebar raises a prayer for the well-being of the newlyweds, the wedding dances begin. The insane Dzares disturbs the joyous mood with his intrusion into the place of the ceremony and, as a pariah, demands, according to the prevailing law, death. Idamor throws himself at the feet of the high priest, asking for mercy for his father, offering in exchange for his life – his own. Dżares’s attempt to reverse the fate by declaring that he does not know the warrior does not help. Idamor reveals himself to be Paria and dies at the hands of the implacable Akebar. As she leads the wedding procession to Neal’s wedding venue, she faints upon seeing her fiancé dead, Akebar expresses her sorrow in lamentation, and Neala, having regained consciousness, decides to leave with the old man to share the fate of Idamor, cursed by her father and the brahmins

In the musical layer, you can sense references to Wagner or Chopin . Harmonically and instrumentally Paria is the composer’s most diverse work. The orchestra was expanded to include tam-tam, gong , contrabassoon and bass clarinet . Within the opera, the Overture stands out , called by many Stanisław Moniuszko’s best orchestral work . Aesthetically, Paria is closer to Italian opera than to the Polish national style developed over the years ( Halka , Straszny dwór), although it does not lack stylistic turns characteristic of the musical language known from Moniuszko’s previous operas. The use of gong , tam-tam and other instruments less typical for those times ( bass clarinet , contrabassoon ), often also instrumentation emphasizing woodwinds and kettledrums , draw attention to the Indian theme of the work .

Quoted from Wikipedia

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