FULL Madame Butterfly Movie 1995 Ying Huang Richard Troxell Liang Ning
(Visited 4,991 times, 1 visits today)
FULL Madame Butterfly Movie 1995 Ying Huang Richard Troxell Liang Ning
Video Recording from: AMAZON    
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Information on the Performance
- Work Title: Madama Butterfly  
- Composer: Puccini Giacomo  
- Libretto: Luigi Illica, Giuseppe Giacosa    Libretto Text, Libretto Index
- Venue & Opera Company: Studio France  
- Recorded: 1995
- Type: Staged Opera Live
- Singers: Ying Huang, Richard Troxell, Ning Liang, Richard Cowan, Jing Ma Fan
- Conductor: James Conlon  
- Orchestra: Orchestre de Paris  
- Chorus: Choeur de Radio France  
- Stage Director: Francois Mitterand  
- Costume Designer:   
- Lighting Designer: Bernadette Saint Loubert  
Information about the Recording
- Published by: SONY  
- TV Director: Francois Mitterand  
- Date Published: 2002  
- Format: DVD
- Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
- Video Recording from: AMAZON     #ad   Get this Recording
(Visited 4,991 times, 1 visits today)
Pop-in ads are tolerated BEFORE a movie begins, but not during a movie. The play of a movie is often unmanned, as when friends are over watching it together. I’ve tried watching this butterfly from different browsers with the same result. YOU need to dictate that this is not tolerable. I will not be using your services again util this has been fixed..
Dear BobY,
Let me explain and clarify a few things.
Opera on Video does not publish any videos themselves but rather links to videos published by someone else on other websites. Thus we have no direct control over videos. The Butterfly here is hosted by YouTube. Your complaint is therefore about YouTube advertising not about Opera on Video advertising.
Although I sympathize about your view, that is the way Youtube works. Btw it is very different for different YoutTube videos.
And finally: You are actually the first person to complain about this.
Greeting Flamand
What a pompous and petulant child BobY seems to be. Instead of accepting that this is free generous use of someone’s talent and time, Boby complains and has a temper tantrum.. Hey try purchasing the actual DVD and supporting the creative artistic team that invested time and copyright into getting you 2 hours of free youtube.