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FULL MACBETH Szeged 2014 Zoltán Kelemen, Andras Kiss, Nadia Cerchez, Laszlo Boldizsar

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: Szegedi Nemzeti Színház  
  • Date Published: 2025  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

In Macbeth, Verdi adapted a Shakespeare play for the first time. The premiere was successful in Florence in 1847. However, for the 1864/65 Paris season, Verdi significantly revised his work in the style of the time, and in 1865 this version was staged at La Scala, and has been popular over the years. The original version is very rarely performed; it was performed in London in 1997, and both versions were performed in the 2003 Verdi-cycle at the Sarasota Opera in Florida. In 2013 it was performed in Florence, where it first premiered, and in 2018 in Mexico City. Among other differences, at the beginning of Act 2, the Lady originally sings a quick Donizetti-style aria, “Trionfai!” (Verdi later replaced it with a monologue, “La luce langue”), and at the end of the second witch scene, the duet between the Lady and Macbeth is not sung, but the title character’s stretto”Vada in fiamma”. Finally, the whole play ends not with the triumphant chorus of Macduff and Malcolm, but with Macbeth’s brief death aria (‘Mal per me che m’affidai’).
In 2014, the Szeged National Theatre staged this 1847 version in its entirety, which was last performed in Hungary in 1848.

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