Le Sacre Royal de Louis XIV Versailles 2019
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Information on the Performance
- Work Title: Le Sacre Royal de Louis XIV  
- Composer: various  
- Libretto: various  
- Venue & Opera Company: Chapelle Royal du Château de Versailles, France  
- Recorded: 2019
- Type: Concert Live
- Singers: Ensemble Correspondances
- Conductor: Sébastien Daucé  
- Orchestra: Ensemble Correspondances  
Information about the Recording
- Published by: medici.tv  
- Format: Streaming
- Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
- Subtitles: yessubs, ensubs  
- Video Recording from: medici.tv     FULL VIDEO
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June 7th, 1654: Louis XIV is crowned King of France in Reims. Tapestries and temporary galleries are set up in the cathedral, transforming it into a spectacular stage ready for the most impressive monarchical theatrics of the age. Dignitaries from all over Europe join members of the French ruling classes at the ceremony, all of whom remembered the splendid Ballet royal de la Nuit from the year before, a fantastical display of pageantry that elevated the young princeling as “the world’s greatest king”. Drawing inspiration from period sources and with the aid of the researcher Thomas Leconte, Sébastien Daucé and his ensemble Correspondances help us relive the historic coronation, performing precious musical gems from the time of the Sun King himself!
Quoted from medici.tv
Anonymous, Pavane for the wedding of Louis XIII
Antoine Boësset, Anna mater matris
Étienne Moulinié, Beata Dei genitrix
Anonymous, Manuscript Deslauries
Virgo Dei genitrix
Tota pulchra es
Anonymous, Pavane for the wedding of Monsieur de Vandome
Jean Veillot, Sacris solemniis
Anonymous, Antiphon ‘Ecce mitto Angelum meum’
Anonymous, Psalm ‘Domine in virtute tua’
Anonymous, Manuscript Tours
Jubilate Deo
Anonymous, Manuscript Philidor
Pavane for the wedding of Henry IV
Anonymous, Antiphon ‘O pretiosum munus’
Anonymous, Comfortare and esto vires
Anonymous, Manuscript Tours
Omnes gentes plaudite manibus
Orlando di Lasso, O rex vivat!
Henry Dumont, In lectulo meo
Anonymous, Antiphon ‘Gentem francorum’
Francesco Cavalli, Dixit Dominus
Anonymous, Manuscript Philidor
Pavane for the coronation of Louis XIII
Anonymous, Antiphon ‘Unxerunt Salomonem Sadoch’
Étienne Moulinié, Cantate Domino