FULL …DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM YOUR LOVE… A journey into the world of Eugene Onegin St.Petersburg 2023
Performance based on the novel in verse by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, as well as on the letters of P.I. Tchaikovsky and A.I. Milyukova and the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky (Visited 150 times, 1 visits today)
FULL …DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM YOUR LOVE… A journey into the world of Eugene Onegin St.Petersburg 2023
Video Recording from: YouTube    

Information on the Performance
- Work Title: ...DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM YOUR LOVE...”A journey into the world of Eugene Onegin  
- Composer: Tchaikovsky Pyotr Ilyich  
- Libretto: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky based on Alexander Pushkin    Libretto Text, Libretto Index
- Venue & Opera Company: YOUTH HOUSE OF VASILEOSTROVSKYm Saint Petersburg, Russia, Saint Petersburg State Conservatory  
- Recorded: November 14, 2023
- Type: Staged Opera Live
- Singers: Maria Bakanina, Alexandra Khasanova, Alexey Kutniy, Simeon Aseev, Stepan Zavalishin
- Conductor: Alexey STEPANYUK   
- Orchestra: Lyudmila IVANOVA, PIANO  
- Stage Director:   
- Costume Designer:   
Information about the Recording
- Published by: Saint Petersburg State Conservatory  
- Date Published: 2024  
- Format: Streaming
- Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
- Subtitles: nosubs  
- Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO
Performance based on the novel in verse by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”,
as well as on the letters of P.I. Tchaikovsky and A.I. Milyukova
and the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky
(Visited 150 times, 1 visits today)