FULL Der Apfel aus Basra (Kranebitter) Festival alf laila wa laila 4 Vienna 2011 sirene Operntheater

Information on the Performance
- Work Title: Der Apfel aus Basra  
- Composer: Kranebitter Matthias   
- Libretto: Kristine Tornquist    Libretto Text, Libretto Index
- Venue & Opera Company: Expedithalle der ehemaligen Ankerbrotfabrik Wien, Vienna, Austria  
- Recorded: August 2011
- Type: Staged Opera Live
- Singers: Michael Schwendinger, Marelize Gerber, Ida Aldrian, Andreas Jankowitsch, Lisa Rombach, Sven Dúa Hjörleifsson
- Conductor: François-Pierre Descamps  
- Orchestra: Orchester PHACE / CONTEMPORARY MUSIC  
- Stage Director: Kristine Tornquist  
- Stage Designer: Jakob Scheid  
- Costume Designer: Markus Kuscher  
- Lighting Designer: Edgar Aichinger  
Information about the Recording
- Published by: sirene  
- Date Published: 2015  
- Format: Streaming
- Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
- Subtitles: yessubs, desubs  
- Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO
00:00 Ouvertüre
03:57 Szene 1 – Bei Grosswesir Dschafar
05:15 Szene 2 – Die Frau des Kaufmanns
07:10 Szene 3 – Die Reise nach Basra
09:31 Szene 4 – Der Apfel aus Basra
13:14 Szene 5 – Der Sklave Raihan
14:35 Ein Apfel aus Basra
16:33 Szene 6 – Der Apfel wird verkauft
17:41 Als ich noch ein Kind war
20:16 Nun ist es genug geweint
22:10 Szene 7 – Der Mord
23:54 Ich lag als Flöte an deinem Mund
25:20 Hätt ich dich doch nie berührt
28:20 Szene 8 – Das Geständnis
29:49 Die Welt ist kein Haus, in dem man sicher wohnt
33:02 Szene 9 – Das Urteil
35:24 Kein Apfel rollt bergauf
36:16 Applaus
A young businessman from Baghdad accuses himself of murder before the vizier Jafar al-Barmaki. He killed his wife because she was unfaithful to him. The vizier lets his story be told. The businessman’s sick wife has only one wish – she wants to eat an apple. The merchant, who loves her very much, travels as far as Basra to get an apple for her in winter. He puts the precious apple on the bed of the sleeper. Her little son secretly steals it from there and takes it to the market to play with. There he falls at the feet of a slave. He refuses to give the desperate boy his apple back, because he wants to sell the precious fruit to his little mistress at a high price. When the merchant comes to his wife, the apple has disappeared, but she cannot tell him where it has gone. He was all the more surprised when he later met a slave at the market with such an apple in his hands. When confronted, the slave claims that he got the apple from his lover, whose husband went to Basra to buy it for her. In anger, the businessman draws his conclusions, rushes home and stabs his wife. But when his son confesses to him that the apple has been stolen, he desperately realizes her innocence. The arc closes after it turns out that Jafar’s daughter had bought the apple from her slave Raihan. The vizier decides that Raihan is guilty. He is beheaded.