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FULL Das verzehrte Lichtlein (Koutnik) Festival NACHTS 6 Vienna 2009 sirene Operntheater

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

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Information about the Recording
  • Published by: sirene  
  • Date Published: 2021  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 3 Audio:3
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

0:00:00 00 Das verzehrte Lichtlein
0:01:27 01 Einleitung (Beginn der Oper)
0:03:41 02 Der Aufguss von Eibisch, Schlüsselblume und Leinsamen
0:04:44 03 Wenn Gott mir einen Sohn geschenkt hätte
0:10:40 04 Braucht Ihr etwas, mein Herr?
0:12:01 05 Es wundert mich, dass ich immer noch lebe
0:14:28 06 Draussen stürmts
0:18:06 07 Zur Abrechnung ist alles bereit
0:20:24 08 Am Hof ist nie genug Geld
0:22:49 09 Es ist nichts, ein wenig Husten
0:25:09 10 Liebste, wo bist du?
0:27:33 11 Von all dem sprach er so verworren
0:29:10 12 Der zweigt immer einen Teil für sich ab
0:31:30 13 Der Phillip Lang zählt mich schon zu den Toten
0:33:34 14 Mendel, geh, wenn es Morgen wird
0:35:03 15 Er hat es vergessen
0:39:51 16 Wenn es Gott so gewollt hätte
0:42:20 17 Rudolf, hilf!
0:47:04 18 Er war freundlich, der Kaiser
0:50:00 19 Der Kaiser ist für mich nur eine fremde Macht
0:53:09 20 Setz dich zu mir und hör zu
0:55:59 21 Und schnell muss es gehen
0:58:04 22 Verzehrtes Lichtlein, du musst brennen
1:00:06 23 Schlaf und vergiss deinen Kummer
1:06:03 00 Applaus

1601. Mordechai Meisl thinks with grief of his wife, who died early, and the enigmatic words she uttered in the hour of her death: Help Rudolf. Then he ponders his business connection with the emperor, who not only receives a quarterly share of the profits from him in return for a number of privileges, but is also supposed to inherit half of it after his death. And death seems near, Meisl is in poor health. He feels that he is a light that has already been extinguished and has only been forcibly kept alive – like that which Rabbi Löw once prevented with a magic word from being extinguished for a long night – because God still needs him for some purpose in this world. But which one? The emperor’s valet Philipp Lang comes to visit, observes Meisl’s state of health with cold greed, because he is waiting for the secret treasure, one half of which the emperor is supposed to inherit. He wants to rip the other half under himself. Meisl asks Lang why the emperor, like himself, has neither a wife nor a child. Lang tells him that Rudolf remained loyal to a mysterious lover who was probably someone else’s wife and who was suddenly snatched from the emperor. The story inexplicably depresses Meisl and he expresses the desire to see the emperor in person. Lang puts him off until later, because he hopes that Meisl will die before that. The old Mordechai Meisl disguises himself as a butcher and drives to the castle with the delivery of meat for the predators to see the emperor. Rudolf II is depressed, he had bad dreams again. Rudolf didn’t miss feeding the lions for lunch. On his way to the cages, a girl disguised as a gardener throws herself in front of him to ask for mercy for her father and calls out: Rudolf help! The emperor thinks the girl is a lazy kitchen boy, rebukes her and goes on. But these two words fall deep in Mordechai Meisl’s soul and he realizes that the emperor was his wife’s lover. He seeks revenge. The emperor should not inherit anything from him. He decides to get rid of his great wealth – and he wants to live just that long.

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