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FULL Das Krokodil (Everhartz) Vienna 2004 sirene Operntheater

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: sirene  
  • Date Published: 2019  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 3 Audio:3
  • Subtitles: yessubs, desubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

0:00:00 prolog. Enter the player. Semyon Semyonovich writes something interesting on a school blackboard
0:01:29 1st scene. Ivan Matwejewitsch, Jelena Ivanovna and Semjon Semjonowitsch visit the crocodile show
0:24:29 2nd scene. Semjon Semjonowitsch as supplicant to Timofej Semjonowitsch, Ivan Matvejewitsch’s boss
0:38:03 3rd scene. Semyon Semyonovich returns to the crocodile to report to Ivan Matveyevich
0:57:14 4th scene. Semyon Semyonovich visits the beautiful Jelena Ivanovna and drinks tea with her
1:06:00 5th scene. Semyon Semyonovich visits Ivan Matveevich and reads him the newspaper reports
1:16:53 6th scene. The seamstresses
1:20:20 Applause

Ivan Matveevich ends up carelessly in the stomach of a crocodile – and as a result it turns out that it is impossible to free him from it again for economic reasons. Dostoyevsky’s early criticism of capitalism is an absurd odyssey into perfectly normal madness. The rational logic of money is targeted in this bizarre story as well as the crippling awkwardness of politics and bureaucracy. The Berlin composer Jury Everhartz has turned it into an opera for 12 pianists, which is now being premiered by the siren opera theater in the Vienna Art Nouveau Theater under the direction of the Milanese pianist and conductor Marino Formenti.
In the narrative fragment “The Crocodile” from 1865, Fyodor M. Dostojewskij processed the “materialistic soullessness” that he found there after a journey of several years through Europe. The crocodile targets both the bureaucratic way of thinking, which has moved so absurdly away from immediate life, as well as the rationalist economic idea that is urging Russia from Europe.

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