FULL Das Gespräch der Hunde (Dienz) Festival NACHTS 9 Vienna 2009 sirene Operntheater

Information on the Performance
- Work Title: Das Gespräch der Hunde   
- Composer: Dienz Christof   
- Libretto: Kristine Tornquist    Libretto Text, Libretto Index
- Venue & Opera Company: Expedithalle der Brotfabrik, Wien, Austria  
- Recorded: July 17, 2009
- Type: Staged Opera Live
- Singers: Bernhard Landauer, Gottfried Falkenstein, Günther Strahlegger, Bernd Lambauer, Richard Helm
- Conductor: François-Pierre Descamps  
- Orchestra: ensemble_online / PHACE  
- Stage Director: Kristine Tornquist   
- Stage Designer: Jakob Scheid  
- Costume Designer: Markus Kuscher  
- Lighting Designer: Edgar Aichinger  
Information about the Recording
- Published by: sirene  
- Date Published: 2021  
- Format: Streaming
- Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
- Subtitles: yessubs, desubs  
- Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO
00:00 Prag 1621. Die Falle (Pantomime)
05:46 Die Verhaftung des Berl Landfahrer (Beginn der Oper)
09:20 Der grosse Jammer
14:46 Die Nacht in der Zelle
25:30 Der zweite Hund
27:55 Der grosse Zauber
31:55 Das Gespräch der Hunde
38:59 Der arme Berl Landfahrer
45:24 Der Morgen
48:49 Des Meisls Pudelhund
51:35 Applaus
1609. The unfortunate but pious Jew Berl Landfahrer is said to be hanged for accidental stolen goods, as a special punishment between two dogs. Landfahrer spends the night before the execution in the cell with the two dogs, a skinny street dog and the poodle of the late Mordechai Meisl. The dogs are yapping while he tries to pray. This annoys him and he wants to impose a ban on the two dogs, so he writes a magical spell in the dust. But he is wrong in one letter and instead of the desired calm he can now understand the dog’s language. So he hears the poodle talking about where Meisl buried money for the unfortunate Berl land driver that he should have shown him, but he didn’t know the land driver and therefore could not have shown it to him. Berl Landfahrer then introduces himself to the poodle. The poodle is happy and promises to show him the hiding place the next morning. Landfahrer then told the poodle that the three should be hanged in the morning. The poodle announces that he will flee quickly if someone comes. The next morning, however, instead of the executioner, two from the Judenrat come in and tell Berl country drivers that he has been pardoned. Instead of being happy about it, he despairs because the poodle escaped through the open door before he could show him the hiding place. He spends the rest of his life looking for the poodle, which is why he is said to have lost his human soul the night before the execution.