FULL Concert of the Academy of Vocal Art by Askar Abdrazakov Ufa 2023

Information on the Performance
- Work Title: Concert of the Academy of Vocal Art by Askar Abdrazakov  
- Composer: various  
- Libretto: various  
- Venue & Opera Company: Bashkir Opera and Ballet Theater, Ufa, Russia  
- Recorded: September 21, 2023
- Type: Concert Live
- Singers: Askar Abdrazakov, see program below
- Conductor: Artyom Makarov  
- Orchestra: Orchestra of the Bashkir State Opera and Ballet Theater  
- Stage Director:   
- Costume Designer:   
Information about the Recording
- Published by: bashopera  
- Date Published: 2023  
- Format: Streaming
- Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
- Subtitles: nosubs  
- Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO
CONCERT PROGRAM _____________________________________________
1 compartment
1. W.A. Mozart. Suzanne’s aria from the opera “The Marriage of Figaro” (M. Chikurova)
2. N. Rimsky-Korsakov. The Snow Maiden’s aria from the opera “The Snow Maiden” (Ya. Gaisina)
3. A. Gabdrakhmanov. “Tandagy yyr” (A. Valieva)
4. W.A. Mozart. Arietta Cherubino from the opera “The Marriage of Figaro” (L. Magafurova)
5. P. Tchaikovsky. Triquet’s couplets from the opera “Eugene Onegin” (Ya. Gaisin)
6. W.A.Mozart. Cavatina Barbarina from the opera “The Marriage of Figaro” (V. Saryan)
7. Z. Ismagilov. Yulaya’s aria from the opera “Salavat Yulaev” (R. Akhtyamov)
8. P. Tchaikovsky. Iolanta’s aria from the opera “Iolanta”. (P. Khafizova)
9. G. Rossini. Isabella’s Cavatina from the opera “Italian in Algiers” (G. Usmanova)
10. V. Bellini. Riccardo’s aria from the opera “The Puritans”. (A. Kunakbaev)
11. G. Rossini. Rosina’s Cavatina from the opera “The Barber of Seville” (G. Sakhabutdinova)
12. P. Mascagni. Santuzza’s aria from the opera “Honor Countryside” (L. Akhmetova)
13. Z. Ismagilov. “Bylbyl” (I. Gaziev)
14. G. Donizetti. Aria of Linda di Chamouni from the opera “Linda di Chamouni” (E. Fatykhova)
15. P. Tchaikovsky. Gremin’s aria from the opera “Eugene Onegin” (A. Abdrazakov)
2nd department
1. F. Durante. Aria “You are full of love” (“Vergin tutto amor”) (E. Zainetdinova)
2. W.A.Mozart. Bastienne’s aria from the opera “Bastienne and Bastienne” (V. Saryan)
3. Z. Ismagilov. Naza’s aria from the musical comedy “Kodasa” (Ya. Gaisina)
4. W.A. Mozart. Zerlina’s aria from the opera “Don Juan” (A. Valieva)
5. G. Verdi. Rodrigo’s aria from the opera “Don Carlos”. (A. Kunakbaev)
6. S. Gounod. Margarita’s aria from the opera “Faust”. (P. Khafizova)
7. V. Bellini. Amina’s aria from the opera “Somnambula”. (G. Sakhabutdinova)
8. N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Lyubava’s aria from the opera “Sadko” (G. Usmanova)
9. W.A.Mozart. Elvira’s aria from the opera Don Giovanni. (L. Akhmetova)
10. R. Yakhin. “I’ll go into the forest.” (I. Gaziev)
11. S. Gounod. Juliet’s Waltz from the opera Romeo and Juliet. (E. Fatykhova)
12. G. Verdi. Attila’s aria from the opera “Attila”. (A. Abdrazakov)
13. L. Denza. “Swing”
The concert of the Academy of Vocal Art by Askar Abdrazakov is the final stage of the project, the participants of which were gifted students and graduates of educational institutions in various areas of academic singing art.
The program is designed to identify and support aspiring vocalists and assist them in their further professional self-determination. During the training process, each participant received specific knowledge and skills, the opportunity to study the principles of work of singers during the preparation of opera parts, acquired practice in interacting with directors, conductor and symphony orchestra, and gained experience communicating with leading masters of the opera stage.
The work was carried out under the guidance of mentors – famous singers of the Republic of Bashkortostan Larisa Akhmetova, Idris Gaziev and Elvira Fatykhova; Among the teachers are the conductor of the Bashkir Opera and Ballet Theater Artyom Makarov, the theater directors Aisylu Iksanova and Shamil Sirazetdinov. The artistic director of the project is Advisor to the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan for Culture and Art Askar Abdrazakov.
At the concert, project participants had a unique opportunity to appear on the Big Stage of the Bashkir Opera and Ballet Theater together with their mentors, and perform works accompanied by a symphony orchestra.