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FULL Chalifa und die Affen (Schwertsik) Festival alf laila wa laila 5 Vienna 2011 sirene Operntheater

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: sirene  
  • Date Published: 2012  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, desubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

00:00 Ouvertüre
02:48 Der glücklose Fischer
05:46 Der erste Fang
06:20 Der zweite Fang
07:16 Der dritte Fang
07:55 Der Unglücksaffe
09:53 Der vierte Fang
10:26 Der Glücksaffe
13:45 Der fünfte Fang
16:32 Marktplatz (Zwischenspiel)
18:10 Der Sultan der Juden
21:05 Der glücklose Fischer
23:20 Der sechste Fang
25:55 Applaus

Instead of fishing, the hapless fisherman Chalifa fishes a monkey out of the waves and learns that it is the unlucky monkey that has been destined for him. When he lifts his oar to kill the monkey, the monkey implores him to cast the net again, saying it should bring him luck. This time the rich Jew’s lucky monkey is online, who gives him advice on how to get lucky. So he throws out the net again and this time he finds a beautiful fish in it. But the lucky monkey advises him not to sell this fish, but to give it away for a word. So Khalifa gives the fish in the market to the rich Jew for a word and swaps “his monkey” for his. The Jew thinks the Khalifa is crazy and enters into the trade without knowing what he is doing. The happiness of the rich Jew is thus passed on to the fisher Chalifa.
According to the Littmann translation of the Calcutta edition, this story begins on the 831st night of Shahrazad’s nocturnal storytelling marathon. In the meantime she has given birth to children to King Shariyar and is already beginning to hope that one day she will be able to sleep through the night again without having to fight for happiness night after night.

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