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FULL BIANCA E FALLIERO Pesaro 2024 Nicolò Donini, Dmitry Korchak, Giorgi Manoshvili, Aya Wakizono, Jessica Pratt

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Video Recording from: RAI Play     FULL VIDEO     Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: RAI  
  • Date Published: 2024  
  • Format: Broadcast
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: yessubs, itsubs  
  • Video Recording from: RAI Play     FULL VIDEO

Bianca e Falliero, ossia Il consiglio dei tre (English: Bianca and Falliero, or The Counsel of Three) is a two-act operatic melodramma by Gioachino Rossini to an Italian libretto by Felice Romani. The libretto was based on Antoine-Vincent Arnault’s 1798 play Les Vénitiens, ou Blanche et Montcassin.

Bianca e Falliero is a tale of emotional excess and bitter strife within war-threatened Venice. Falliero, the hero, comes home after defeating the enemies of Venice only to find his beloved Bianca promised to a rival and soon to be married.

Place: Venice
Time: 17th Century
Act 1
Contareno offers his daughter Bianca in marriage to Capellio, a member of a rival clan, in an act of conciliation meant to end a long-standing family feud. Bianca, however, loves Falliero, rumoured to have recently died defending Venice from a military threat. She sings of her love for the young general in the cavatina Della rosa il bel vermiglio. When Falliero returns from the war and Bianca rebels against her father’s plan for her, Contareno threatens to ruin Falliero. The wedding ceremony begins, but Bianca refuses to marry Capellio by not signing the marriage certificate. Falliero bursts onto the scene.

Act 2
Falliero is forced to run from the scene of the wedding to escape the wrath of Bianca’s father. Bianca again refuses to continue the ceremony. News arrives that Falliero has been captured and must stand trial for treason, allegedly for his contacts with a foreign power because he was found hiding in the Spanish Embassy. Unfortunately for him, his judges are to be the Council of Three: Contareno, Capellio and Loredano. Although Falliero does not defend his actions, Bianca passionately argues on his behalf. Eventually, Bianca’s impassioned pleas convince Capellio that the two lovers belong together. All ends happily.

Quoted from Wikipedia


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