FULL Attars Tod (Spuller) Festival alf laila wa laila 3 Vienna 2011 sirene Operntheater
00:00 Der Mongole 01:25 Der Gelehrte 03:33 Fariduddin Attar 06:12 Der Mongole 06:55 Der Handwerker 09:36 Fariduddin Attar 10:22 Wenn du verloren sein willst 12:35 Attars Tod 13:49 Applaus The famous Sufi poet Fariduddin Attar is taken prisoner by the Mongolians and is said to be sold as a slave. A scholar offers 1000 dinars […]
FULL Attars Tod (Spuller) Festival alf laila wa laila 3 Vienna 2011 sirene Operntheater
Video Recording from: YouTube    

Information on the Performance
- Work Title: Attars Tod   
- Composer: Spuller Willi   
- Libretto: Kristine Tornquist    Libretto Text, Libretto Index
- Venue & Opera Company: Expedithalle der ehemaligen Ankerbrotfabrik Wien, Vienna, Austria  
- Recorded: August 2011
- Type: Staged Opera Live
- Singers: Johann Leutgeb, Sven Dúa Hjörleifsson, Michael Schwendinger, Ida Aldrian
- Conductor: François-Pierre Descamps  
- Orchestra: Orchester PHACE  
- Stage Director: Kristine Tornquist  
- Stage Designer: Jakob Scheid  
- Costume Designer: Markus Kuscher  
- Lighting Designer: Edgar Aichinger  
Information about the Recording
- Published by: sirene  
- Date Published: 2012  
- Format: Streaming
- Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
- Subtitles: yessubs, desubs  
- Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO
00:00 Der Mongole
01:25 Der Gelehrte
03:33 Fariduddin Attar
06:12 Der Mongole
06:55 Der Handwerker
09:36 Fariduddin Attar
10:22 Wenn du verloren sein willst
12:35 Attars Tod
13:49 Applaus
The famous Sufi poet Fariduddin Attar is taken prisoner by the Mongolians and is said to be sold as a slave. A scholar offers 1000 dinars for the wise Attar, but Attar thinks this is the wrong price and the Mongol does not sell him. But when a craftsman offers the old man a crate of beer, Attar advises the Mongolian to sell him after all, that would be the right price. The Mongol is furious.
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