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FULL A Sea Symphony (Vaughan Williams) Samcheok City 2023 Choi Jeong-won, Kim Tae-il

Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO          Qries

Information on the Performance
Information about the Recording
  • Published by: MBC Gangwon Yeongdong  
  • Date Published: 2023  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 4 Audio:4
  • Subtitles: nosubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

Quote from Wikipedia
A Sea Symphony is an hour-long work for soprano, baritone, chorus and large orchestra written by Ralph Vaughan Williams between 1903 and 1909. The first and longest of his nine symphonies, it was first performed at the Leeds Festival in 1910 with the composer conducting, and its maturity belies the relatively young age — thirty — when he began sketching it. Moreover it is one of the first symphonies in which a chorus is used throughout as an integral part of the texture and it helped set the stage for a new era of symphonic and choral music in Britain during the first half of the 20th century. It was never numbered.

At approximately 70 minutes, A Sea Symphony is the longest of all Vaughan Williams’s symphonies. Although it represents a departure from the traditional Germanic symphonic tradition of the time, it follows a fairly standard symphonic outline: fast introductory movement, slow movement, scherzo, and finale. The four movements are:

A Song for All Seas, All Ships (baritone, soprano, and chorus)
On the Beach at Night, Alone (baritone and chorus)
Scherzo: The Waves (chorus)
The Explorers (baritone, soprano, semi-chorus, and chorus)
The first movement lasts roughly twenty minutes; the inner movements approximately eleven and eight minutes, and the finale lasts roughly thirty minutes.

The text of A Sea Symphony comes from Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. Though Whitman’s poems were little known in England at the time, Vaughan Williams was introduced to them by Bertrand Russell, a family friend. Vaughan Williams was attracted to them for their ability to transcend both metaphysical and humanist perspectives. Whitman’s use of free verse was also beginning to make waves in the compositional world, where fluidity of structure was beginning to be more attractive than traditional, metrical settings of text.

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