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FULL 7 Operellen Abkürzungen und Beschleunigungen Vienna 2007 sirene Operntheater

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Information about the Recording
  • Published by: sirene  
  • Date Published: 2021  
  • Format: Streaming
  • Quality Video: 3 Audio:3
  • Subtitles: yessubs, desubs  
  • Video Recording from: YouTube     FULL VIDEO

00:00 7 Operellen 2 – sirene Operntheater am Tiroler Landestheater
Regie: Kristine Tornquist / Produktion: Jury Everhartz
00:34 1. Falsch verbunden (01:37 Chat 1, 05:13 Chat 2, 07:52 Chat 3, 11:13 Der Ring)
Text: Daniel Glattauer / Musik: Johanna Doderer
13:20 2. Play it like Rosie (14:41 Akt 1, 18:18 Akt 2, 21:32 Akt 3, 28:11 Raumschiff)
Text: Johannes Schrettle / Musik: Hannes Raffaseder
32:56 3. Mirabellenkompott oder Mostbirnenmus
Text: Barbara Frischmuth / Musik: Ulrich Küchl
47:11 4. Monduntergang (50:07 1, 52:53 2, 55:26 3, 57:58 Katastrophe)
Text: Kristine Tornquist / Musik: René Clemencic
1:00:56 Applaus

00:00 7 Operellen 2 – sirene Operntheater am Tiroler Landestheater
Regie: Kristine Tornquist / Produktion: Jury Everhartz
02:34 5. Fröhliche Wissenschaft (02:35 – 1, 05:58 – 2, 09:12 – 3, 14:27 – 4)
Text: Günter Rupp / Musik: Jury Everhartz
19:16 6. vom mond (19:44 – I, 22:29 – II, 25:06 – III, 27:24 – IV, 30:00 – V, 33:07 – VI, 34:34 – VII, 37:03 – VIII, 40:43 – IX, 42:11 – X)
Text: Händl Klaus / Musik: Klaus Lang
44:51 7. Tod auf dem Mond (45:21 Der Mond, 48:02 Der Mann im Mond, 50:52 Kleine Geschichte der Raumfahrt, 54:17 Ein kleiner Schritt, 56:36 Mondterzett, 58:07 Ein Ungeheuer, 59:05 Toccata, 1:01:43 Rezitativ und Arie, 1:03:48 Vokale, 1:07:50 So allein)
Text: Antonio Fian / Musik: Herwig Reiter
1:09:15 Applaus

When authors think of journeys through space today, there does not seem to be much room for a carefree ending. The five characters that connect all seven operelles – cook, postman, astronaut, Galileo and the man in the moon – don’t have it easy. The best place between earth and moon is unsuccessful dreams, casual dooms and funny murders. The days of the conquerors are over. Interventions into the unknown are dangerous and the equilibrium is quickly disturbed. Blind curiosity, the origin of science, brings disaster. Dramolet specialist Antonio Fian allows a single character to survive the great lunar expedition in his “Death on the Moon”, which Herwig Reiter has set to music in a congenially funny way. In “Moonset”, Galileo’s scientific curiosity tears the moon and earth into set; René Clemencic’s setting of Kristine Tornquist’s bizarre, dark story lets the sounds appear spherical in original magic – between liturgy and attack from space. Blind longing is not fulfilled. This is demonstrated by Johannes Schrettle and Hannes Raffaseder in the operelle “Play it like Rosie”, which shortens 20 years to 15 minutes and approaches the topic of unfulfilled longing with bits and pieces from kitsch novels and pop music and develops its own concentration. The motif can also be found in the virtual encounters in the newspeak of cyberspace, in which Daniel Glattauer maliciously lets his protagonists find precisely what they were not looking for: “Wrongly connected”, set in cleverly nested rhythms by Johanna Doderer. Good for those who go to work slowly and carefully. Händl Klaus and Klaus Lang have created a subtle and condensed piece: “vom mond” gives space to the unknown in floating sounds and fine nuances: the enchantment and the spell under the influence of the distant celestial body is incomprehensible. But you only appear really safe in the kitchen, where dreams, surreal and real things are cooked into edible bites, where space, adventure and distance are much easier to digest as phantasies of the mind. Barbara Frischmuth, for example, cooks his favorite dish for the man in the moon in “Mirabelle compote or cider pear sauce” and develops a peculiar hustle and bustle that Ulrich Küchl has set to music skillfully and with humor. And from Günter Rupp’s parable “Happy Science”, Jury Everhartz has made a fast-paced game with baroque jokes, in which everything revolves around a kitchen pot, the secret of which is only revealed by the man in the moon. The moral of the story: where people cook (more precisely: where the man in the moon is cooked), there ends well, everything is good.

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